DoubleRadius Blog

Use the Tools of the WISP Trade

Written by Kelsey Sage | December 04, 2017

You need more than hardware like radios and antennas to run a successful WISP business. What other things do you need to consider?  There are a variety of software tools of the trade and resources for successful WISP operations that you should look into.


Where do you you start? We've interviewed CEOs, Presidents, and Owners of some of the most successful WISPs in the industry to see which tools and resources they've used and how they assisted in the success of their WISP.


From our many interviews, we've created a WISP Essentials Guide: 10 Keys to Success from Industry Leaders. This guide is full of little nuggets of information on how to become a successful WISP business. You can download the full guide here or keep reading for a small snippet of Key #9: Use the Tools of the Trade.


"In addition to the hardware essentials like radios, antennas, and routers, there are a wide variety of software tools and resources for successful WISP operations. Here are some examples of the types of tools available to you:

  • Software Tools
  • Network Management
  • Network Design & Mapping
  • Tower Planning
  • Business Organization
  • Internal Communications
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Billing
  • Reporting
  • Sales
  • Marketing


"There are plenty of options available to address just about every concern you can think of. Do your research and ask questions of your industry connections to figure out what the best software tools are for your specific business. Using the right software tools, especially those capable of automation, will make your staff perform as if you were a larger team. Utilizing the available resources will inform you and your team in all the business decisions you will make.


Download the full guide to check out which tools and resources our WISP leaders are implementing in their businesses. Key #9 covers not only how to use the tools of the trade, but also touches on the following tips:

  • Know your options
  • Available resources
  • Make it happen!