DoubleRadius Blog

Microwave vs. Fiber Comparison

Fixed wireless Microwave technology is highly reliable and can be deployed in a fraction of the time it takes to install fiber. Large ISPs like Google are realizing the advantages, and are turning to fixed microwave to save money and time. Likewise, many regional and local Telecom and Cable companies are now utilizing the power of microwave.



Infographic Comparing Technologies


To help explain the fundamental differences, we've included the Microwave vs Fiber infographic created by SAF Tehnika, a leading manufacturer of high-capacity microwave radios. Read below to learn pros and cons of each technology, and how they stack up against each other. 


saf microwave vs fiber infograph



Evolving into a Hyrbid Network - Fiber & Microwave


Are you interested in learning more about evolving your network to a hybrid network model that includes both fiber and wireless microwave? Download our free Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Quick Guide covering that includes use cases of those who have already taken the leap!



Download Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Quick Guide


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